Long story short - she is not that pretty to have all of men's attention she wants, that is why she doing that. He might just doing that por a pussy and nice sex:) Confronting her kissing her coocoo BF who doing the same is just the tell tell sign of that insecurity in her. Me, myself used to speed during time attack races between cities averaging 180km\h(no joke) - but I do understand now that I could kill myself of someone else because of fatal error or any uncontrollable circumstances, now I am riding a bicycle and want to buy something efficient and not that fast as I used to have. They do that all the time to look cool around their social group - this is typical for their age. All of those people are young, dumb and full of come.

I totally agree that this type of activity comes from lack of real live only.

Well, I am ukrainian and I can tell you that this is very very stupid from my perspective.

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